Asparagus with Chipotle Mayonnaise & Curried Walnut Butter

Asparagus with Chipotle Mayonnaise

Procedure: Break the ends off of your asparagus beats by dre uk where they want to break naturally. Then cook them just barely tender-crisp you can put in a microwaveable casserole with a lid, add a couple of tbsps of water and cook them on high for just 3 to 4 minutes.

Drain the asparagus and chill it till dinner time.

Arrange your asparagus on 4 salad plates. Now, you canada goose jacket sale can add a 2-tbsp (30g) dollop of Chipotle Mayonnaise to each plate for dipping.

Or, if you want to be truly spiffy and restaurant-like, put chanel bags your mayonnaise in a squeeze bottle, and squeeze decorative random zigzag patterns

Over the asparagus. If you dont have a squeeze bottle, you can put the mayo in a small plastic bag and snip a tiny piece off the corner, instead.